

// phpCAS proxy client with PGT storage to database

// import phpCAS lib

// set debug mode

// initialize phpCAS

// no SSL validation for the CAS server

// set PGT storage to file in XML format in the same directory as session files
                        '',// database_type defaults to `mysql'
                        '',// hostname defaults to `localhost'
                        0,// use default port
                        '',// database defaults to phpCAS
                        '' // table defaults to `pgt'

// force CAS authentication

// at this step, the user has been authenticated by the CAS server
// and the user's login name can be read with phpCAS::getUser().

// moreover, a PGT was retrieved from the CAS server that will
// permit to gain accesses to new services.

$service = 'http://phpcas-test.univ-rennes1.fr/examples/example_service.php';

    <title>phpCAS proxy example with PGT storage to database</title>
    <h1>phpCAS proxy example with PGT storage to database</h1>
    <p>the user's login is <b><?php echo phpCAS::getUser(); ?></b>.</p>
    <h2>Response from service <?php echo $service; ?></h2><ul><hr>
  // call a service and change the color depending on the result
  if ( phpCAS::serviceWeb($service,$err_code,$output) ) {
    echo '<font color="#00FF00">';
  } else {
    echo '<font color="#FF0000">';
  echo $output;
  echo '</font><hr></ul>';
Generated on Fri Jun 18 10:24:04 2010 for phpCAS by  doxygen 1.6.3