Age problems

Kati and Julia

Kati and Julia together are 26 years old. Kati is four years older than her sister.
How old is Kati and how old is Julia? How many years ago was Julia half the age of Kati?

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Father and son:

A father is going to be twice the age of his son in 16 years. Together their ages amount to 40 years.

How old is each of them?

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A mother is 32 and her daughter 10 years old.

In how many years is the mother going to be twice the age of her daughter?


A father is seven times as old as his son and in 10 years he is going to be three times as old as his son.

How old are they?

"Father and I"

When my father was 31 years old, I was 8. By now my dad is double as old as I.

How old am I today?


Tobias is 4 years younger than Ariane. In 6 years they will be 42 years old together.

See if both of them are already allowed to drive a car (which is with the age to drive being 18 years old in Germany)!

"Ann, Kim and Thorsten"

Ann is 6 years older than Kim. Kim is 2 years younger than Thorsten. In 5 years Ann and Kim are 22 years older than Thorsten.

How old are the three now?