CAS proxied client features (CAS 2.0, Proxy Tickets)
[ImplementationCAS Basic client features (CAS 1.0, Service Tickets)]


 CASClient::getPT ()
 CASClient::setPT ($pt)
 CASClient::hasPT ()
 CASClient::getSA ()
 CASClient::setSA ($sa)
 CASClient::hasSA ()
 CASClient::validatePT (&$validate_url, &$text_response, &$tree_response)



Function Documentation

CASClient::getPT (  )  [private, inherited]

This method returns the Proxy Ticket provided in the URL of the request.

The proxy ticket.

Definition at line 2388 of file client.php.

Referenced by CASClient::isAuthenticated().

CASClient::getSA (  )  [private, inherited]

This method returns the SAML Ticket provided in the URL of the request.

The SAML ticket.

Definition at line 2414 of file client.php.

Referenced by CASClient::isAuthenticated().

CASClient::hasPT (  )  [private, inherited]

This method tells if a Proxy Ticket was stored.

TRUE if a Proxy Ticket has been stored.

Definition at line 2407 of file client.php.

CASClient::hasSA (  )  [private, inherited]

This method tells if a SAML Ticket was stored.

TRUE if a SAML Ticket has been stored.

Definition at line 2430 of file client.php.

Referenced by CASClient::isAuthenticated().

CASClient::setPT ( pt  )  [private, inherited]

This method stores the Proxy Ticket.

$pt The Proxy Ticket.

Definition at line 2399 of file client.php.

Referenced by CASClient::wasPreviouslyAuthenticated().

CASClient::setSA ( sa  )  [private, inherited]

This method stores the SAML Ticket.

$sa The SAML Ticket.

Definition at line 2422 of file client.php.

CASClient::validatePT ( &$  validate_url,
&$  text_response,
&$  tree_response 
) [private, inherited]

This method is used to validate a ST or PT; halt on failure Used for all CAS 2.0 validations

bool TRUE when successfull, halt otherwise by calling CASClient::authError().

Definition at line 2449 of file client.php.

References phpCAS::trace(), and phpCAS::traceBegin().

Referenced by CASClient::isAuthenticated().

Variable Documentation

CASClient::$_pt [private, inherited]

the Proxy Ticket provided in the URL of the request if present (empty otherwise). Written by CASClient::CASClient(), read by CASClient::getPT() and CASClient::hasPGT().

Definition at line 2381 of file client.php.

Generated on Fri Jun 18 10:24:05 2010 for phpCAS by  doxygen 1.6.3