BEducational objective for all students: how to solve problems - how can it be achieved?


Intuitively successful problem solvers are characterized by highly capable agile minds (flexibility, ability to transfer), within a certain realm of knowledge and action.
Agility is a quality thinking process, besides consciousness, orderliness, independence, activity (see Lompscher/Hasdorf).

Such qualities thinking processes are contextual and can be practiced to some degree. This means that a lack of agility regarding mathematical expertise can be "compensated" at least partly.

Central idea:

The procedures of extraordinary agile problem solvers can be analyzed and described. This results in heuristic principles, rules and strategies or means. Polya [1949] articulated such heuristic means. If it is possible to acquire and apply these, similar effects are achievable just as they are for all intuitive problem solvers. Class has to do with deliberate learning of useful heuristics, so they can be applied more and more subconsciously.

It is just like learning how to drive:

At first the gears are being worked in a highly concentrated manner and a little clumsily, but soon the operations are going smoothly without a lot of thinking. Heuristics are rational tools, one needs to know them and apply them flexibly. How can this be achieved?

Polya, George [1949]: Schule des Denkens. Vom Lösen mathematischer Probleme. Francke: Tübingen und Basel


Creativity allowed

Requirements, conditions or chances to allow or require creativity permitting its input from a professional and educational point of view.

Opportunities to be creative during math class are offered by posing developmental appropriate and development supportive learning expectations, based on related objectives and contents of math class, in combination with a welcoming creative learning environment.

Opposite: Learning situations where no creativity is required, are phases of working through algorithm formula (regulations) (calculating the value of a term, constructing according to a formula ...). Such learning situations are valid too, but should not dominate in class.


Objectives and contents of mathematical class

Types of learning requirements

The requirements for these opportunities to be taken (avoiding over or under-challenging) are: enabling students step-by-step to assess their own capability realistically (knowing their own strength and weaknesses) and taking on responsibility for learning on their own.

Wanting to be creative

Challenges and nice conditions for the development of the willingness to learn, to buy into the objectives and develop ownership of the objectives -
best by intrinsic motivation (interest in the matter itself)

On top of the mentioned and applicable conditions (of a learning environment that welcomes creativity and is neither over- nor under-challenging - especially giving freedom of choice or some scopes of freedom of choice and correlating objectives and contexts of math class), the following aspects showed to increase interest:


Objectives and contents of mathematic class

Kinds of educational requirements

Four phases of problem solving by Polya

"A mathematical problem can sometimes be
as entertaining as a crossword,
and concentrated intellectual activity can be as much a
desired exercise as a quick tennis match."

About Polya

George Polya a hungarian-american mathematician was born 13th of Dec. 1887 and died 7th of Sep. 1985. A professor at the ETH Zürich he worked in several areas of mathematics, especially areas of problem solving.

He divided the processes of solving problems into four phases and developed a manual for problem solvers based on it. This manual basically is a question catalogue, presenting various possible directions of thinking at any point of working through a problem. If following these guidelines - so following Polya - the chances of solving the problem are high.

With this manual Polya expects problem solvers to have an agile mind - problem solvers are supposed to ask themselves some questions to draw nearer to a solution.

1st Principle: Understanding the problem

Polya emphasizes strongly how problem solvers have to clearly see the problem or task. During this phase no plan is to be made yet - nor the beginning of a solution. As PISA-studies have shown, this part is of crucial importance in solving the problem.

Polyas questions can be helpful - which is his concern - in gaining a better understanding of the problem stated. He expects the consideration already in this first phase, if the problem has a solution, it is obviously solvable or undefined. Students often give this basic point no thought.

Requirement to draw a figure is very important, because visualization techniques are valuable when working through a problem. We will go about it in more detail: The simple task to draw ´any` figure is too general, students need specific help with what such a figure could look like. Figures are used over and over again by the experienced problem solvers. That is why several different so called informative figures are recommended in the problem-solving-module, to teach your students.

2nd Principle: Devise a plan

Polya accumulates many questions in this second phase that are definitely helpful when working on a target-oriented and systematical plan. Modern problem solving prefers individual strategies instead of one topic.

3rd Principle: Carry out the plan

Polya expects self-check here. On the one hand meaning the check of correct mathematics (right calculation, proper rearrangements, or the like ...). On the other hand - just as important - a check, that every step is carrying out the plan already made. This ensures that nothing is done carelessly, ensuring purposeful and ordered implementation of the plan.

Students orientating themselves on the questions and guidelines of this phase, should not be misled or stop too often with a part solution, forgetting that the problem is not already solved.

4th Principle: Review / extend

This fourth phase was articulated by Polya for two reasons: For one to more conventionally utilize the validity of the problems solution. Next to utilize the gained experience of working through a problem for future problems. Such a review - or phase of reflection on top of that is - scientifically proven - crucial for lasting learning effects among students.

4. A model of class:

According to Polya it is useful to word heuristic strategies as questions. These questions however should not be given to the students or learned by heart. These or similar questions have to be acquired and verbalized from their own experience in solving problems.

The learning of heuristics can be done by the following four steps:

1st Stage

The students are getting used to certain heuristic procedures and typical questions step-by-step. When giving hints the teacher uses question strategies of each heuristic consistently, not teaching them as a special topic in class.

Example: principle of analogy

Teachers hints:

2nd Stage

The explicit strategies that need to be learned are developed and introduced based on appropriate questions depending on the school level.

The strategy gets a name and is indicated by typical questions. The sample problem works as a link to aid the memorization. Samples are collected where the strategy just recognized has been applied intuitively in the past.

3rd Stage

During these (short) phases of practice with problems of various difficulty, it is expected to independently apply the new strategy. The contexts of problems vary step-by-step.

The individual preferences of certain strategies and the diversity to apply the newly learned strategy are to be talked about and made aware of.

4th Stage

The phases of practice are geared toward a gradual subconscious flexible application of the strategy.

The new strategy is put into place among the general images of how to solve problems - in a general model of solving problems (according to Polya).