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The most important application of the lessons learned from Benford`s Law are in the area of digital analysis of digits, which includes the
The applications are not limited to the recognition of manipulated data. At
the turn of the millennium[1] from 1999 to 2000 it was used to discover
significant changes in the data sets of companies. Another application is
the verification of demographic models [2], because even population sets
spread according to Benford`s Law.
You are given 6,000 accounting records from 1,000€ to 10,000€ of two companies: „firma1.xls“ and „firma2.xls“.
Do a digital analysis of digits with EXCEL. Test for the probabilities of the first digits (Benford-analysis) and the pre-decimal position (chi-square-test)! Present your results graphically! Give the average absolute deviation! Which of the two sets of data has possibly been manipulated?
Hint: Other than common mathematical operations you can also apply EXCEL features like: "round", "count if", "remainder" and "chi-test"!
As shown in the coin-flipping-experiment men are pretty bad at generating random numbers, because their sense for coincidence and probabilities is
just not good enough. Just like discerning between made-up and real data
in the experiment, it is possible to reveal faked sets of data i.e. in tax declarations, because it is very difficult to come up with data that qualify for
all of Benford`s Law, which does not only allow statements about the first
digit, but also the ones that follow too.
One of the most important applications of Benford`s Law today is the digital analysis of digits that established a new means for testing technics in audits to detect forgeries. It provides a means to help fight the growing economic crime by allowing an analysis of big sets of data in regard to improper conspicuity.[3]A crucial part of an audit monitors the completeness and validity of revenues and expenses. Benford`s analysis has already become a standard tool for tax inspector`s software, to help check on manipulations by tax payers with such large sets of numbers.[4]The Benford analysis is integrated from version IDEA 2002 on. The program IDEA from Audicon[5]as testing software used by tax inspectors across the country, helps to map a graph that can be evaluated.[6]In that not only the first digit and the second digit are tested, but also the first two digits together, which makes it difficult to manipulate data.
In a set of data distributed according to Benford`s Law drawn from a normal business, around 30,1% of numbers should start with 1 as first digit. The probability of the digit 5 at the second place of a number should have a probability of 9,7%. At the same time the probability for the condition for numbers to start out with the first digits 15 is 2,8%.
If the statistics of a companies accounting record divers significantly from
Benford`s distribution, fraudulent intentions are possible. From a legal
point of view that is not proof enough and can only be verified by additional ratings and recalculations. With this it needs to be made note of the
fact, that the federal court explicitly allows mathematical statistic proce-dures to overthrow the correctness of cash management, which is the basis
for every assessment.[7]If you come across any conspicuous occurrences
the causes should be analyzed and lead to a course of action like the ones
introduced here:
Analysis-programs also include other test techniques of digital analysis of numbers in addition to Benford`s analysis that run over the audits. Other than that mentioned chi-square-test, which is introduced here, there are other testing opportunities for the characteristics of invariance of the Benford distribution. Both, scale invariance and base invariance, are also used as testing procedures.[[9]
American studies showed that a pure mechanical evaluation of a set of data with the digital analysis of numbers recognized a 10% manipulation of numbers with 68% reliability for all investigated sets of data. With a degree of 20% manipulation the rate of detection was already 84%.[10]
What is the minimum of sets of data for a 10% manipulation of numbers that you would have to test, so you can detect the manipulation with a probability of 98,5%? Base your calculations on the results stated above!
A set of data is analyzed with the help of the Benford analysis. This set was manipulated long-term, by multiplying entries altogether with the factor 0,8. Will the Benford analysis detect such a manipulation of the original set of data?
Which possible economic scenario could have caused a legal alteration of a set of data?
The American Karl Pearson developed the chi-square-test, a test from the area of statistics, used in various ways to help check if the observed frequency significantly differ from the frequentness that should apply because of theoretical conclusions or certain assumptions. It is also used in digital analysis of numbers and will be introduced here.[11]
While the Benford analysischecks on the distribution of the first digits, the
inspector uses the Chi-square-test for the last pre-decimal position (or the
last two pre-decimal positions or even the first decimal place),[12] where
every one of the digits 0 to 9 occurs with the same frequentness of a 10%.
Because every person subconsciously has personal sympathies for or
against certain numbers, you can count on systematic deviations if sets of
numbers are manipulated or made up.[13]
In specific application of the chi-square-test a test statistic is assessed as:
with h(i) as observed frequency of the pre-decimal position i and P(i)·n the
theoretical expected frequency, which is the product of the theoretical frequency P(i) and the quantity n of the examined numbers. In this special case the probability P(i) is the same for all i - which is P(i)=0,1, so that all
test statistics Q are calculated with the following formula:
To differentiate, if the deviations of the frequency observed and the one expected are random or systematic, the value of the test statistic Q is compared to the quantile of the quantiles of the chi9-square-distribution, with 9 representing the quantity of degrees of freedom.[14]This procedure is based on the Theorem of Pearson which states that the equation of distribution
for n→∞onverges against the distribution function of a chi-square-
distribution with k-1 degrees of freedom. As a rough guide you can say the
condition P(i)·n≥5 should be fulfilled for all i.[159]
If in our analysis of the test statistics Q of the last pre-decimal position shows anything higher than 19,02 or 21,67, it is 97,5% to 99% safe to speak of a systematical diversion. The probability of error of 2,5 % or 1% is called significance level. It states the probability of not-manipulated data to be presumed as systematically manipulated.
The other way around you can also state probabilities for predefined sets for the test statistics Q, according to the chi9-square-distribution, that abnormalities are of a random nature and without any special reason. The following chart shows, how it is already likely with a test statistics from 21 to 30 and even more so with a test statistics of 30, that the deviations in the analyzed set of data are not entirely coincidental.[16]
Q | P (deviation incidental) | P (special reason) |
18 | 3,5 % | 96,5 % |
20 | 1,8 % | 98,2 % |
22 | 0,9 % | 99,1 % |
26 | 0,2 % | 99,8 % |
30 | almost 0 % | almost 100 % |
In one specific case irregularities in the accounting records of a freelancer were discovered with the help of the chi-square-test. It turned out that the man did not do his accounting accurately. It was found out that just before auditing, he had filled the spaces with devised numbers. The test also showed, that he preferred one particular number, without noticing it.[17]This example shows how the chi-square-test is a very effective means to detect made-up numbers in accounting. However it does not reveal and allow any conclusions about treacherous intentions. Those can only be answered by additional investigation.
In an audit of a catering company the daily receipts of the years 1997 to 1999 were looked at. From among those 1,038 entries the analysis of the last pre-decimal digits showed probabilities of the following numbers as follows:
digit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
rate / frequency | 142 | 99 | 103 | 98 | 98 | 88 | 114 | 94 | 70 | 132 |
At this point it is worth mentioning that digital analysis of numbers is a relatively young discipline, made possible by equipping audit test places with modern computers and software. In 2001 the guidelines about the Access to Data and the Check of Digital Documents (german: "Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfung digitaler Unterlagen" GDPdU) were adjusted to modern ways of accounting in regard to the testing methods and techniques. Since 1st of January 2002 it is possible to do a digital tax audit. Beginning of 2002 14,000 new IDEA test software licences were purchased by financial managements for this purpose.[18]It adds a new dimension to analysis with all their pros and cons. Relatively huge sets of data can quickly be evaluated on a large scale. Because the check is done completely, the frequency of testing is much higher and with that the likeliness to detect irregularities increases drastically.
There are only few practical experiences about digital tax audits made available at this point, but for the legal side it is ground breaking. The validity of these analysis programs of the finance authorities will definitely engage lawyers and courts.[19]At the same time we can expect an increase of digital audits and a transfer of analysis procedures from the area of digital analysis of numbers into other areas too.[20]
[1] See Browne (1998), Walthoe, Hunt, Pearson (1999) and Nigrini (1999), Page 79-83.
[2]See Matthews (2000), Page 30
[3] See Odenthal (2004), Page 1.
[4] See Hagenkötter, Mülot (2002), Page 55.
[5] Audicon GmbH, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf (
[6] See Blenkers, Becker (2005), Page 1.
[7] See Blenkers, Becker (2005), Page 4.
[8] See Odenthal (2004), Page 5-14.
[9] See Posch (2004), Page 13-15.
[10] See Odenthal (2004), Page 3
[11]The chi-square-test is according to the Hesse math curriculum (G8) scheduled to be part of the theme "Practical Stochastics" during the 12G.2 semester. (During the semester 12G.2 one of the following themes has to be chosen: ordinary differential equation, power series, numeric approximation procedures, approximation of equations, circle and cone, conic sections, practical stochastics, determinants and matrices, affine figures or mathematical structures and process of evidence.)
[12] or also the last two pre-decimal places or the first decimal place
[13] See Blenkers, Becker (2005), Page 2.
[14]The codomain of the feature is divided into 10 classes (digits 0 through 9). That is why there are 9 degrees of freedom, because the probability of the last class is defined by the nine other probabilities, because their sum has to be 100%.
[15] See Mosler, Schmid (2003), Page 273.
[16] See Blenkers (2004), Page 80.
[17] See o. V. (2006a).
[18] See Blenkers (2004), Page 130.
[18] See Hagenkötter, Mülot (2002), Page 26.
[18] See Blenkers (2004), Page 77 and Blenkers, Becker (2005), Page 10.